It's raining and my heart yearns for the lost homes and lost innocence. The tender days of yesteryears when rain still was a source of joy - not just a nuisance.
Delhi is my latest home, has been so for the past five years. Even though I had never lived in a city like this before, its wet virgin glimpses on a rainy day in the month of June pulled me into a haze of surreal love. I have been passionate about Delhi and its rainy days ever since.
those words takes me back to the those days which seem like yesterday.times we had as kids when life's worries were girl friends and cricket matches.thanx for taking me to my blissful past ,even though for a brief moment of time.its beauti lies in its reality and the emotions behind it.keep up the good
the rain the rain...
i love the rain..
so never liked tha rhyme 'rain rain go away' as a child!
raindrops spattering on d parched earth in delhi in june throw up a bouquet of aromas that clear d cobwebs in ur brain n make u live d moment n perhaps also replay past pleasurable childhood innocent memories of simple pleasures dat got hardwired by scent.
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